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הנהלה מרכז מידע - ספריה תלמידי מחקר יחידה עסקית דוברות מכוני מחקר אודות
Older reviewed publications
Eshkenazi I., Maltz E., Zion B., Rishpon J.  (2000). Three-Cascaded-Enzymes Biosensor for Determination of Lactose in Raw Milk. Journal of Dairy Science, 83: 1939-1945.
Zion B., Shklyar A., Karplus I.  (2000). In-vivo Fish Sorting by Computer Vision. Aquacultural Engineering, 22: 165-179.
Kim SM., Chen P., McCarthy MJ., Zion B. (1999). Fruit Internal Quality Evaluation using On-Line Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Sensors. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research. 74: 293-301.
Zion B., Shklyar A., Karplus I.  (1999). Sorting Fish by Computer Vision. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 23: 175-187.
Zion B., Kim S.M, McCarthy M.J., Chen P. (1997). Detection of Pits in Olives Under Motion by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 75: 496-502.  
Zion B., Schmilovitch Z., Regev R., Egozi H., Elkin I.  (1996). Mechanical Systems for Harvesting Orchideola Bulbs in Greenhouses. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 12: 175-178 .
Zion B. and Lev M. (1996). Weighing Flowers as an Alternative Method for Sorting According to Visual Appearance. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research. 65: 325-334.
Chen P., McCarthy M.J., Kim S., Zion B. (1996). Development of a High-Speed NMR Technique for Sensing Maturity of Avocados. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, 39: 2205-2209.
Zion B., Chen P., McCarthy M.J. (1995). Nondestructive Quality Evaluation of Fresh Prunes by NMR Spectroscopy. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 67: 423-429.
McCarthy M.J., Zion B., Chen P., Ablett S., Darke A.H., Lilliford P.J. (1995).  Diamagnetic Susceptibility Changes in Apple Tissue after Bruising. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 67: 13-20.
Zion B., Chen P., McCarthy M.J. (1995). Detection of Bruises in Magnetic Resonance Images of Apples. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 13: 291-302.
Zion B., McCarthy M.J., Chen P. (1994). Real-Time Detection of Pits in Processed Cherries by Magnetic Resonance Projections. Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft und Technology (Food Science and Technology), 27: 457-462.
25/07/08 | יום שישי
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