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שלח באימייל הדפס
Name: Isaac Zipori, M.Sc. (Retiree)
Units: Gilat CenterFruit Tree Sciences / Citriculture
Research Interests / Job description  
Tel:  08-9928650
Cell: 050-6220195
Email:  matabsor@volcani.agri.gov.il
Office location:GILAT
Address:Gilat Research Center
Israel 85280

Research engineer with Dr. Arnon Dag's research group.

Research Interests / Job description
Soil-plant-water-atmosphere relations, agrotechnical aspects of oil olive cultivation, irrigation, fertilization, salinity, Guava breeding and fruit trees in general.


Lahav, N. and I. Zipori 1978. Kinetics of fixation of some Zinc and Iron chelates in soils. Proc. Soil. Sci. Soc. Am.

Lahav, N. and I. Zipori 1978. Fixation of Iron applied as FeEDTA: Effect of calcium concentration and soil solid phase. Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J. 42, 255 - 257.

Tsipori, I. and D. Shimshi 1979. The effect of trickle line spacing on yield of tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum mill.). Soil Sci. Soc. Am. 43(6), 1225 - 1228.

Versteeg, M.N., I. Zipori, J. Medina and H. Valdivia 1982. Potential growth of alfalfa in the desert of southern Peru and its response to high N-P-K fertilization. Plant and Soil 67, 157 - 165.

Zipori, I., M.N. Versteeg, and L.H. Valdivia (eds.) 1982. Factores que influyen en la produccion de cultivos alimenticios y forrajeros en areas deserticas (Factors influencing the production of food and forage crops in desert areas). Proceedings of a symposium held in Arequipa, Peru by the FAPROCAF project, August 1982. 400 pp.

Zipori, I. and M. Mena 1982. Condiciones de clima y genesis general de suelos en las Pampas de La-Joya, Majes y Siguas. In: Factores que influyen en la produccion de cultivos alimenticios y forrajeros en areas deserticas (Factors influencing the production of food and forage crops in desert areas). I. Zipori, M.N. Versteeg and L. H. Valdivia (eds.). pp. 23 - 30.

Keulen, H. van and I. Zipori 1982. Consideraciones sobre relaciones suelo - agua - planta. ibid. pp. 168 - 191.

Valdivia, L.H. and I. Zipori 1982. Determinacion del coeficiente de transpiracion de varios cultivos en macetas. ibid. pp. 192 - 225.

Zipori, I. and L.H. Valdivia 1982. Metodologia para medir respuesta de cultivos al agua en el campo. ibid. pp. 226 - 241.

Zipori, I. and L.H. Valdivia 1982. La respuesta del cultivo de alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) a la aplicacion de agua en zonas aridas. ibid. pp. 242 - 280.

Valdivia, L.H., I. Zipori and J. Pinto 1982. Respuesta de maiz (Zea mays L.) al agua. ibid. pp. 281 - 298.

Zipori, I., F. Vargas and L.H. Valdivia 1982. Estudio comparativo de 20 tipos de suelo, empleando el metodo de lisimetros de drenaje libre. ibid. pp. 299 - 321.

Zipori, I., J. Pinto and L.H. Valdivia 1982. Requerimiento de lavado de sales en los suelos de San Camilo. ibid. pp. 322 - 337.

Zipori, I., M. de Wijs and E. Soto 1982. Significancia e interpretacion de resultados de laboratorio en investigacion y extension agricola. ibid. pp. 385 - 390.

Dayan, E., I. Zipori, H.Z. Enoch. D. Shmuel and P. Gefen 1985. A system for measuring photosynthesis and respiration rates of crops in commercial size greenhouses. Acta Hort. 174, 505 - 512.

Zipori, I., E. Dayan and H.Z. Enoch 1986. A comparison of two techniques for CO2 enrichment in greenhouses in regions with high levels of solar radiation. Biotronics 15, 9 - 14.

Dayan, E., H.Z. Enoch, M. Fuchs and I. Zipori 1986. Suitability of greenhouse building types and roof cover materials for growth of export tomatoes in the Besor region of Israel I: effect on climatic conditions. Biotronics, 15, 61 - 70.

Dayan, E., H.Z. Enoch, M. Fuchs and I. Zipori 1986. Suitability of greenhouse building types and roof cover materials for growth of export tomatoes in the Besor region of Israel II: effect on fresh and dry matter production. Biotronics 15, 71 - 79.

Dayan, E., H. van Keulen, J.W. Jones, I. Zipori, D. Shmuel and H. Challa 1993. Development, calibration and validation of a greenhouse tomato growth model: I. Description of the model. Agricultural Systems 43, 145 - 163.

Dayan, E., H. van Keulen, J.W. Jones, I. Zipori, D. Shmuel and H. Challa 1993. Development, calibration and validation of a greenhouse tomato growth model: II. Field calibration and validation. Agricultural systems 43, 165 - 183.

Fuchs, M., E. Dayan, D. Shmuel and I. Zipori 1997. Effects of ventilation on the energy balance of a greenhouse with bare soil. Agricultural and forest Meteorology 86:273-282.

Dag, A., I. Zipori and Y. Pleser 2006. Using bumblebees to improve almond pollination by the honeybee. J. Apic. Res. 45(3) 215-216.

Zipori, I., S. Shuker, A. Dag and E. Tomer 2007. Guava breeding in Israel. In: Proc. 1st int. Guava Symp. (Singh et al., eds.) Acta. Hort. 735, 39-47.

Kerem, Z., Ben-Gal, A., Tsipori, I., Presnov, E., Faingold, I., Weinberg, P., and Dag, A. (2007) The effects of irrigation levels on olive oil chemical and sensorial properties. 5th Euro Fed Lipid Congress - Oil fats and lipids - from science to application. Gothenburg, Sweden.

Ben-Gal, A., Dag, A., Yermiyahu, U., Zipori Y., Presnov, E., Faingold, I. and Kerem, Z. (2008)
Evaluation of irrigation levels in a converted, rain fed olive orchard: the transition year. Acta Horticulturae. 792, 99-106.

Dag, A., Yermiyahu,, U., Ben-Gal, A., Zipori, I. and Kapulnik, Y.(2009) Nursery and post-transplant field response of olive trees to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in an arid region. Crop and Pasture Sci. 60(1-7).

Dag, A., Ben-Gal, A., Yermiyahu, U., Zipori, I., Wininger, S., Kapuknik, Y. (2008). Response of olive trees under arid conditions to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. In: Feldmann, F., Kapulnik, y. Baar, J. (2008): Mycorrhiza works, ISBN 978-3-941261-01-3; 190-196. © Deutsche Phytomedizinische Gesellschaft, Braunschweig, Germany.

Kerem, Z., Yermiyahu, U., Ben-Gal, A., Tzipori, I., Arel, R., Bashir, L., and Dag, A. (2008). The effect of irrigation with recycled water on olive oil chemical and sensorial properties. 6th Euro Fed Lipid Congress, Athens - Greece.

Ben-Gal, A. Agam, N. Alchanatis, V. Cohen, Y. Tzippori, Y. Presnov, E. Yermiyahu, U. Sprintsin, M. and Dag, A. (2009) Evaluating Water Stress in Irrigated Olives: Correlation of Soil Water Status, Tree Water Status and Thermal Imagery. Irrigation Science. 27:367-376.

Dag, A., Yermiyahu, U., Ben-Gal, A. Zipori, I. and Kapulnik, Y. 2009. Nursery and post-transplant field response of olive trees to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in an arid region. Crop & Pasture Sci. 60(427-433).

Dag, A., Yermiyahu, U., Ben-Gal, A., Zipori, I., Birger, R., Abd El Hadi, F., Lin, A. 2009. Are there Boron deficiencies in almond orchards in Israel? 5th International Symposium on Pistachios and Almonds - ISHS - Sanliurfa, Turkey, Oct 6-10, 2009.

Porat, R., Weiss, B., Zipori, I. and Dag, A. (2009)
Postharvest longevity and responsiveness of guava fruit with distinctive
climacteric behaviors to 1-Methylcyclopropene.
HortTechnology 19: 580 - 585.

Shlomi, T., Porat, R., Ziporri, I. and Dag, A. (2009)
Export market for guava in Western Europe
‘Beshvakei H'ayezu' May, 2009 (2-3):6-9.

Dag, A., Zipori, I., Bustan, A., Sobotin, Y., Aharon, M., Avni, A., Rayov, Y., Lavee, S., Tugendhaft, Y. and Priel, N. (2009).
Biennial bearing control in olives- Experiments in Ramat Negev.
Proc.3th Negev Conference for Research and Development, Yotveta. pp. 30. (in Hebrew).

Zipori, I., Dag, A., Aharon, M., Hawashla, T., Sobotin, Y., Luria, S., Veksler, S., Simanski, E., Bruner, M., Levi, M., Ben Ari, U. and Nisan, A. (2009)
Developing early apricot for export in the Arad Valley
Proc.3th Negev Conference for Research and Development, Yotveta. pp. 44. (in Hebrew).

Porat, R., Weiss, B., Zipori, I. and Dag, A. (2009)
Postharvest longevity and responsiveness of guava fruit with distinctive
climacteric behaviors to 1-Methylcyclopropene. HortTechnology 19: 580 - 585.

Dag, A., Bustan, A., Avni, A., Zipori, I., Lavee, S. and Riov, J. (2010)
Timing of fruit removal affects concurrent vegetative growth and subsequent return bloom and yield in olive (Olea europaea L.). Scientia Horticulturae 123, 469-472.

Ben-David, E., Kerem, Z., Zipori, I., Weissbein, S., Basheer, L., Bustan, A. and Dag, A. (2010) Optimization of the Abencor system to extract olive oil from irrigated orchards. Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technolo. 112:1158-1165.

Ben-Gal, A., Kool, D., Agam, N., E van Helsema, G., Yermiyahu, U., Yafe, A., Presnov, E., Erel, R., Majdop, A., Zipori, I., Segal, E., Roger, S., Zimmermann, U., Cohen, Y., Alchanatis, V. and Dag, A. (2010). Whole tree water balance and indicators for short-term drought stress in non-bearing ‘Barnea' olives. Agricultural Water Management 98:124-133.

Ben-Gal, A., Yermiyahu, U., Zipori, I., Presnov, E., Hanoch, E. and Dag, A. (2010). The influence of bearing cycles on olive oil production response to irrigation. Scientia Horticulturae. DOI 10.1007/s00271-010-0237-1.

Kapulnik, Y., Tsror(Lahkim), L., Zipori, I., Hazanovsky, M., Wininger, S. and Dag, A.(2010). Effect of AMF application on growth, productivity ans susceptibility to Verticillium wilt of olives grown under desert conditions. Symbiosis DOI 10.1007/s13199-010-0085-z.

Dag, A., Kerem, Z., Yogev, N., Zipori, I., Lavee, S. and Ben-David, A. (2011). Influence of time of harvest and maturity index on olive oil yield and quality. Scientia Horticulturae 127: 358-366.


Basheer, L., Kerem, Z., Dag, A., Ben-Gal, A., Yermiyahu, U. and Zipori, I. (2009) The effect of irrigation regime on olive oil quality.

Book of Abstract. 4th Ann. Conference. Research in Olive, Bet Dagan, Israel. pp. 8. (in Hebrew).

Zipori, I., Dag, A., Kerem, Z., Yogev, N., Tugendhaft, Y., Priel, N. and Lavee, S. (2009)
The effect of ripeness level on olive oil yield and quality.
Book of Abstract. 4th Ann. Conference. Research in Olive, Bet Dagan, Israel. p. 14-15. (in Hebrew).

Zipori, I. 2008. Experiments on the improvement of olive mill efficiency. Book of Abstract. 4th Ann. Conference. Research in Olive, Bet Dagan, Israel. pp. 8. (in Hebrew).

Dag, A., Yermiyahu, U., Ben-Gal, A., Zipory, I., Birger, R., El-Hadi, F. and Lin, A. (2009)
Are there boron deficiencies in almond orchard in Israel ?.
Abstract Book, 5th, Int. Symp. Pistachios and Almond, Sanliufura, Turkey, pp. 174.

Ben Gal, A., Kerem, Z., Yeriyahu, U., Zipori, I., Presnov, E., Hanoch, E., Agam, N., Basheer, L., Agam, N. and Dag, A. (2009).
Determining irrigation levels for a modern Israeli olive orchard: towards maximum yields of high quality oil.
Book of abstracts, Inter. Symp. Olive Irrigation and Oil Quality. pp. O6.

Dag, A., Ben Gal, A., Kerem, Z., Erel, R., Zipori, I., Hanoch, E., Basheer, L. and Yermiyahu, U. (2009).
Irrigation of olive with recyceled water.
Book of abstracts, Inter. Symp. Olive Irrigation and Oil Quality. pp. O18.

Alchanatis, V., Cohen, Y., Levi, A., Ostrovsky, V., Schmilovitch, Z., Dag, A., Agam, N., Ben Gal, A., Zipori, I. and Yermiyahu, U. (2009).
Estimating olive leaf mineral content using spectral reflectance.
Book of abstracts, Inter. Symp. Olive Irrigation and Oil Quality. pp. O23.

Kerem, Z., Ben David, E., Zipori, I., Weissbein, S., Basheer, L. and Dag, A. (2009).
Modification of olive oil production protocols from fruit of irrigated orchards.
Book of abstracts, Inter. Symp. Olive Irrigation and Oil Quality. pp. O35.

Kool, D., Agam, N., Yafe, A., Presnov, E., Erel, R., Zipori, I., Reuger, S., Zimmerman, U., Segal, E., Cohen, Y., Elchanatis, V., Dag, A., Yermiyahu, U. and Ben Gal, A. (2009).
Quantifying indicators for short-term water stress in ‘Barnea' olives including whole-tree water balance using weighing-drainage lysimeters.
Book of abstracts, Inter. Symp. Olive Irrigation and Oil Quality. pp. P10.

Bustan, A., Avni, A., Zipori, I., Yermiyahu, U., Lavee, S., Riov, J. and Dag, A. (2009).
Changes in the mineral content in leaves, branches, bark, and roots of olive trees during biennial yield cycle.
Book of abstracts, Inter. Symp. Olive Irrigation and Oil Quality. pp. P18.

Dag, A., Kapulnik, Y., Yermiyahu, U., Zipori, I., Wininger, S., Ben Gal, A. and Estuan, V. (2009).
The effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) on olive growth and macro-elements uptake.
Book of abstracts, Inter. Symp. Olive Irrigation and Oil Quality. pp. P20.

Dag, A., Yermiyahu, U., Ben-Gal, A., Zipori, I., and Kapulnik' Y. (2009).
Effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) on different olive cultivars.
Book of abstracts, COST 870 WG4 meeting, p. 6

Zipori, I., Yermiyahu, U., Ben Gal, A. and Dag, A. (2009).
Response of oil-olive trees to iron application.
Book of abstracts, Inter. Symp. Olive Irrigation and Oil Quality. pp. P24.

Zion, B., Bechar, A., Regev, R., Shamir, N., Weisblum, A., Zipori, I. and Dag, A. (2010). Labor
research and performance of mechanized olive harvest. . Book of Abstract. 5th Ann. Conference. Research in Olive, Bet Dagan, Israel. pp. 5. (in Hebrew).

Zipori, I., Dag, A., Subbotin, Y., Huashla, T. and Boim, S. (2010). The effect of pre-extraction fruit storage on olive oil quality. . Book of Abstract. 5th Ann. Conference. Research in Olive, Bet Dagan, Israel. pp. 7. (in Hebrew).

Dag, A., Ben-Gal, A., Zipori, I., Erel, R., Segal, E., Kerem, Z., Bashir, L., Hanoch, E. and Yermiyahu, U. (2010). Olive irrigation with recycled water. . Book of Abstract. 5th Ann. Conference. Research in Olive, Bet Dagan, Israel. pp. 10. (in Hebrew).

Naor, A., Schneider, D., Ben-Gal, A., Zipori, I., Dag, A., Kerem, Z., Birger, R., Peres, M. and Gal, Y. (2010). The effect of crop load and irrigation rate in the oil accumulation stage on yield and water relations of field-grown ‘Koroneiki' olives. Annual meeting of the Am. Soc. Hort. Sci., 2-5 August 2010, Palm Desert, California, USA.

Ben-Gal, A., Yermiyahu, U., Zipori, I., Presnov, E., Hanoch, E. and Dag, A. (2010). The influence of bearing cycles on olive oil production response to irrigation. Irrig. Sci.


A contribution in: MAC-Oils (Mapping and Comparing Oils) The Scientific Handbook. Chapter 1: Cultivation: Problems and Perspectives (Dag, A.,Ben-David, E.A., Fiume, P.,and Perri, E. Authors). Sixth Framework Programme, Priority 5, Call 4C.


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