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הנהלה מרכז מידע - ספריה תלמידי מחקר יחידה עסקית דוברות מכוני מחקר אודות
ROSMETER: A new bioinformatic tool
Oxidative stress in different organelles lead to a different transcriptomic imprint. We developed a new bioinformatic tool, ROSMETER, that is able to identify the ROS-related transcriptome signature related to stresses in different organelles.
Using the ROSMETER it is possible to analyze any transcriptome to get an answer from which organelle the oxidative stress is emanating. It is possible to find the ROSMETER site at http://app.agri.gov.il/Noa/ROSMETER.php.  Instructions for the operation of the ROSMETER can be found on site. 
26/01/13 | שבת
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