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שלח באימייל הדפס
Name: Shabtai Cohen, Ph.D. (Retiree)
Units: Soil, Water and Environmental SciencesEnvironmental Physics and Irrigation
Research Interests / Job description  Latest Chapters In Blog
Cell: 050-6220701
Email:    vwshep@volcani.agri.gov.il
Office location:Room 206

Senior Research Scientist

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 Lecturer - Hebrew Univ. - Agricultural Micrometeorology course no. 71103 Course sylabus



Research Interests / Job description
Micro-meteorology around vegetation and soil; Canopy structure of agricultural plants; Radiation distribution in vegetation and in agricultural structures; Global dimming (contemporary reductions in global radiation); Environmental physiology of plants, including leaf resistance behavior and modeling; Sap flow measurement; Hydraulic architecture of plants and rootstocks; Energy balance of plants, crops, and lakes; Evapo-transpiration modeling and irrigation management; Urban Climate and thermal comfort


 see also in Google Scholar 

1. Nemera DB, Dovjik I, Florentin A, Shahak Y, Charuvi D, Cohen S, Sadka A. 2023. Sparse-shading red net improves water relations in Valencia orange trees. Agricultural Water Management, Volume 289, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2023.108533.

2. Sorek Y, Netzer Y, Cohen S, Hochberg U. (2023). Rapid leaf xylem acclimation diminishes the chances of embolism in grapevines. J Exp Bot, Vol. 74, No. 21 pp. 6836-6846 https://doi.org/10.1093/jxb/erad351

3. Nemera DB, Yalin D, Levy GJ, Cohen S, Shenker M, Gothelf R, Tarchitzky J, Bar-Tal A. (2023). Remediation and mitigation measures to counteract orchard soil degradation by treated wastewater irrigation. Soil and Tillage Research 234 105846. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.still.2023.105846

4. Cohen, P., Cohen, S., Shashua-Bar, L., Tanny, J., Potchter, O. (2023). Outdoor thermal perception and adaptation of immigrants from cold climates to hot arid climate. Building and Environment https://doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2023.110631

5. Shashua-Bar, L., Rahman, M. A., Moser-Reischl, A., Peeters, A., Franceschi, E., Pretzsch, H., Rötzer, T., Pauleit, S., Winters, G., Groner, E., & Cohen, S. (2023). Do urban tree hydraulics limit their transpirational cooling? A comparison between temperate and hot arid climates. Urban Climate, 49, [101554]. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.uclim.2023.101554

6. Alon, A., Cohen, S., Burlett, R., Hochberg, U., Lukyanov, V., Rog, I., Klein, T., Cochard, H., Delzon, S., & David-Schwartz, R. (2023). Acclimation limits for embolism resistance and osmotic adjustment accompany the geographical dry edge of Mediterranean species. Functional Ecology, 37, 1421- 1435. https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2435.14289

7. Berholtz Nir, Victor Lukyanov, Shabtai Cohen, Ephraim Zipilevitz, Ziva Gilad, David Silverman, Uri Adler, Josef Tanny, 2023. Irrigation of protected pepper crops according to growth stage using dynamic evapotranspiration estimates increases the water use efficiency. Scientia Horticulturae 310, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scienta.2022.111768

8. Yohanani Efi, Amit Frisch, Victor Lukyanov, Shabtai Cohen, Meir Teitel, Josef Tanny. 2022. Estimating Evapotranspiration of Screenhouse Banana Plantations Using Artificial Neural Network and Multiple Linear Regression Models. Water 14(7):1130 https://doi.org/10.3390/w14071130

9. Yang, L.; Liu, H.; Cohen, S.; Gao, Z. 2022 Microclimate and Plant Transpiration of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) in a Sunken Solar Greenhouse in North China. Agriculture 2022, 12, 260. https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture12020260

10. Nemera DB, Asher Bar-Tal, Guy J. Levy, Jorge Tarchitzky, Ido Rog, Tamir Klein, S Cohen, 2021. Mitigating negative effects of long-term treated wastewater irrigation: Leaf gas exchange and water use efficiency response of avocado trees (Persea americana Mill.), Agricultural Water Management, Volume 256, 2021, 107126, ISSN 0378-3774, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2021.107126.

11. Dovjik, I.; Nemera, D.B.; Cohen, S.; Shahak, Y.; Shlizerman, L.; Kamara, I.; Florentin, A.; Ratner, K.; McWilliam, S.C.; Puddephat, I.J., Toby R. FitzSimons, Dana Charuvi and Avi Sadka. 2021. Top Photoselective Netting in Combination with Reduced Fertigation Results in Multi-Annual Yield Increase in Valencia Oranges (Citrus sinensis). Agronomy 2021, 11, 2034. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy11102034

12. Wagner Y, Pozner E, Bar-On P, Ramon U, Raveh E, Neuhaus E, Cohen S, Grunzweig J, Klein T. 2021. Rapid stomatal response in lemon saves trees and their fruit yields under summer desiccation, but fails under recurring droughts. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 307 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2021.108487

13. Zangy, E., Kigel, J., Cohen, S., Moshe, Y., Ashkenazi M., Fragman-Sapir O., Osem, Y. 2021. Understory plant diversity under variable overstory cover in Mediterranean forests at different spatial scales. Forest Ecology and Management 494. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2021.119319

14. Cohen S, Yaniv Palatchi, Danielle Potchter Palatchi, Limor Shashua-Bar, Victor Lukyanov, Yaron Yaakov, Andreas Matzarakis, Josef Tanny, and Oded Potchter (2020). Mean Radiant Temperature in urban canyons from solar calculations, climate and surface properties - Theory, validation and 'Mr.T' software. Building and Environment 178, 106927 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2020.106927

15. Cohen S, D Hadad, N Galpaz, Y Israeli, V Lukyanov, O Achiman, A Londener, I Elingold, J Tanny (2020). Exploiting dynamic changes in internal screenhouse climate to inform irrigation in bananas. Acta Horticulturae 1268: 225-232

16. Hadad D., V. Lukyanov, S. Cohen, E. Zipilevitz, Z. Gilad, D. Silverman, & J. Tanny. (2020). Measuring and modelling crop water use of sweet pepper crops grown in screenhouses and greenhouses in an arid region. Biosystems engineering, 200, 246-258. doi: 10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2020.10.002

17. Hadad D, V Lukyanov, S Cohen, Z Gilad, E Zipilevitz, A Meir, D Silverman, U Adler, Y Esquira, J Tanny (2020). Microclimate, evapotranspiration and water use efficiency of pepper in high-tunnel greenhouses and screenhouses in semi-arid regions. Acta Horticulturae 1268: 249-256

18. Nemera DB, Asher Bar-Tal, Guy J Levy, Victor Lukyanov, Jorge Tarchitzky, Indira Paudel, Shabtai Cohen. 2020. Mitigating negative effects of long-term treated wastewater application via soil and irrigation manipulations: Sap flow and water relations of avocado trees (Persea americana Mill.). Agricultural Water Management 237. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2020.106178
19. Nemera DB, A. Bar-Tal, G. Levy, V. Lukyanov, J. Tarchitzky, S. Cohen. 2020. Tuff trenches improve sap flow in avocado trees affected by long-term irrigation with treated wastewater. Acta Horticulturae 1300 DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2020.1300.2

20. Sadka A, Y Shahak, S Cohen, I Dovjek, DB Nemera, Y Wachsmann, L Shlizerman, K Ratner, I Kamara, M Morozov, D Charuvi (2020). Top netting as a practical tool to mitigate the effect of climate change and induce productivity in citrus: summary of experiments using photo-selective nets. Acta Horticulturae 1268: 265-270

21. Cohen, P., Shashua-Bar L., Keller, R., Gil-Ad R., Yaakov Y., Lukyanov V., Bar Kutiel P., Tanny, J., Cohen, S., Potchter, O. (2019). Urban outdoor thermal perception in hot arid Beer Sheva, Israel: Methodological and gender aspects. Building and Environment 160 doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2019.106169

22. Paudel, I., Bar Tal, A., Raveh, E., Bernstein, N., and Cohen, S. (2019). Tolerance of citrus rootstocks to poor water quality is improved by root zone aeration via selective uptake of ions, higher photosynthesis and carbon storage. Scientia Horticulturae 251:9-19

23. Paudel, I., Cohen, S. and Stanhill, G. (2019) The Role of Clouds in Global Radiation Changes Measured in Israel during the Last Sixty Years. American Journal of Climate Change, 8, 61-76. doi: 10.4236/ajcc.2019.81004.

24. Väänänen Päivi J., Yagil Osem, Shabtai Cohen, José M. Grünzweig (2019). Differential drought resistance strategies of co-existing woodland species enduring the long rainless Eastern Mediterranean summer. Tree Physiology, doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/treephys/tpz130

25. Winters, G., Otieno, D., Cohen, S., Bogner, C., Ragowloski, G., Paudel, I., Klein, T. (2018). Tree growth and water-use in hyper-arid Acacia occurs during the hottest and driest season. Oecologia 188(2) DOI: 10.1007/s00442-018-4250-z

26. Ahiman O., Naor A., Friedman S. and S. Cohen (2018). Determining mid-day stem water potential from sap flow measurements. Acta Horticulturae 1222:263-268

27. Paudel, I., A. Bar Tal, A. Shaviv, J. Ephrath and S. Cohen (2018). Influences of treated waste water on citrus sap flow, water relations and growth in two soils. Acta Horticulturae 1222:221-227

28. Tanny, J., Lukyanov V., Neiman, M., Cohen, S., Teitel, M., Seginer, I. (2018). Energy balance and partitioning and vertical profiles of turbulence characteristics during initial growth of a banana plantation in a screenhouse. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 256-257:53-60

29. Paudel, I., Bar Tal, A., Levy, G.J., Rotbart, N., Ephrath, J., and Cohen, S. (2018). Treated wastewater (TWW) irrigation: soil variables and Grapefruit tree performance. Agricultural Water Management 204:126-137

30. Paudel, I., Bar Tal, A., Rotbart, N., Ephrath, J., and Cohen, S. (2018). Water quality changes seasonal variations in root respiration, xylem CO2, and sap pH in citrus orchards. Agricultural Water Management 197:147-157

31. Paudel, I., Cohen, S., Shlizerman L., Jaiswal A.K., Shaviv A. and Sadka A. (2017). Reductions in root hydraulic conductivity in response to clay soil and treated waste water are related to PIPs down-regulation in Citrus. Nature Scientific Reports 7: 15429 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-15762-2

32. Liang, H., V. Lukyanov, S. Cohen, D. Shapiro, U. Adler, D. Silverman and J. Tanny (2017). Microclimate in naturally ventilated tunnel greenhouses: effects of passive heating and greenhouse cover. Acta Horticulturae1170:269-276

33. Klein, T., Cohen, S., Paudel, I., Preisler, Y., Rotenberg, E., Yakir, D. (2016). Diurnal dynamics of water transport, storage and hydraulic conductivity in pine trees under seasonal drought. IFOREST Biogeosciences and Forestry 9:710-719

34. Paudel I, Cohen S, Shaviv A, Bar-Tal A, Bernstein N, Heuer B, Ephrath J. (2016). Impact of treated wastewater on growth, respiration, and hydraulic conductivity of citrus root systems in light and heavy soils. Tree Physiology, 36 (6), 770-785

35. Assouline S, Li D, Tyler S, Tanny J, Cohen S, Bou?Zeid E, Parlange M, Katul GG. 2016. On the variability of the Priestley?Taylor coefficient over water bodies. Water Resources Research 52:150-163

36. David-Schwartz R, Paudel I, Mizrachi M, Delzon S, Cochard H, Lukyanov V, Badel E, Capdeville G, Shklar G, and Cohen S. (2016). Indirect evidence for genetic differentiation in vulnerability to embolism in Pinus halepensis. Frontiers in Plant Sciences (Functional Ecology). 7: 768.

37. Paudel I, Shaviv A, Bernstein N, Heuer B, Shapira O, Lukyanov V, Bar-Tal A, Rotbart N, Ephrath J, Cohen, S 2015. Lower leaf gas-exchange and higher photorespiration of treated wastewater irrigated Citrus trees is modulated by soil type and climate. Physiologia Plantarum 156:478-496

38. Nevo, E., Cohen, S., Gal, Y., Wallach, R., Naor, A. 2015. Decision support for nectarine irrigation based on quantitative water stress measurements. Alon Ha'notea 70:47-52 (in Hebrew)

39. Agra H, Ne'eman G, Shachak M, Segoli M, Gabay O, Perevolotsky A, Arnon A, Boeken B, Groner E, Walczak M, Shkedy Y, Cohen S, Ungar ED. 2015. Canopy structure of woody landscape-modulators determines herbaceous-species richness along a rainfall gradient. Plant Ecology 216:1511-1522

40. Paudel I., Naor A, Gal Y and Cohen S, 2015. Simulating nectarine tree transpiration and dynamic water storage from responses of leaf conductance to light and sap flow to stem water potential and vapor pressure deficit. Tree Physiology, 35 (4), 425-438

41. Haijun L., Cohen S, Lemcoff JH, Israeli Y, Tanny J. 2015. Sap flow, canopy conductance and microclimate in a banana screenhouse. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 201:165-175

42. Ungar, E.D., Rotenberg, E., Raz-Yaseef, N., Cohen, S., Yakir, D., and Schiller, G. 2014. Forest management based on water balance - a simple model and implications for tree density in Yatir Forest. Ecologiya Ve-Sviva (Ecology and Environment, in Hebrew), 5(2):172-180

43. Cohen, Y., Alchanatis, V., Sela, E., Saranaga, Y., Cohen, S., Meron, M., Bosak, A., Tsipris, J., Ostrovsky, V., Orolov, V., Levi, A., Brikman, R. 2014 Crop water status estimation using thermography: Multi-year model development using ground-based thermal images. Precision Agriculture 16(3):311-329

44. Pirkner, M., Tanny, J., Shapira, O., Teitel, M., Cohen, S., Shahak, Y., Israeli, Y. 2014. The effect of screen type on crop micro-climate, reference evapotranspiration and yield of a screenhouse banana plantation. Scientia Horticulturae 180:32-39

45. Stanhill, G., Achiman, O., Rosa, R. and Cohen, S. 2014. The cause of solar dimming and brightening at the Earth's surface during the last half century: evidence from measurements of sunshine duration. Journal of Geophysical Research, Atmospheres, 119, doi:10.1002/2013JD021308

46. Branch, O., Kirsten Warrach-Sagi, Volker Wulfmeyer, Cohen, S.. 2014. Simulation of semi-arid biomass plantations and irrigation using the WRF-NOAH model - a comparison with observations from Israel. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS) 18, 1761-1783, 2014

47. Tanny, J., Pirkner, M., Teitel, M., Cohen, S., Shahak, Y., Shapira , O. and Israeli, Y. 2014. The effect of screen texture on air flow and radiation transmittance: laboratory and field experiments. Acta Horticulturae, 1015:45-51

48. Wachsmann, Y., Zur, N., Shahak, Y., Ratner, K., Giler, Y., Schlizerman, L., Sadka, A., Cohen, S., Garbinshikof, V., Giladi, B. and Faintzak, M. 2014. Photoselective anti-hail netting for improved citrus productivity and quality. Acta Horticulturae, 1015:169-176

49. Cohen, S., Möller, M., Pirkner , M. and Tanny, J. 2014. Measuring radiometric properties of screens used as crop covers. Acta Horticulturae, 1015:191-199

50. Kanety, T., Naor, A., Gips, A., Dicken, U., Lemcoff, J.H., Cohen, S. 2014. Irrigation influences on growth, yield and water use of persimmon trees. Irrigation Science 32:1-13

51. Klein, T., Rotenberg E., Cohen-Hilaleh E, Raz-Yaseef N, Tatarinov F, Ogee J, Cohen, S., Yakir, D. (2014). Quantifying transpirable soil water and its relations to tree water use dynamics in a water-limited pine forest. Ecohydrology. 7:409-419

52. Sprintsin, M., Berliner, P., Cohen, S., and Karnielli, A. (2013). Using Multispectral Spaceborne Imagery to Assess Mean Tree Height in a Dryland Plantation. ISRN Forestry Volume 2013, Article ID 485264. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/485264

53. Paudel, I., Kanety, T., Cohen, S. (2013). Inactive xylem can explain differences in calibration factors for thermal dissipation probe sap flow measurements. Tree Physiology, 33:986-1001

54. Paudel, I., Naor, A., Gal, Y., Cohen, S. (2013). Quantifying sap flow responses to soil and plant water status and climate in nectarine trees. Acta Horticulturae, 991: 433-440.

55. Klein, T., Shpringer, I., Fikler, B., Elbaz, G., Cohen, S., Yakir, D. (2013). Relationships between stomatal regulation, water use, and water use efficiency of two coexisting key Mediterranean tree species. Forest Ecology and Management 304:34-42

56. Ungar, E.D., Rotenberg, E., Raz Yaseef, N., Cohen, S., Yakir, D., Schiller, G. (2013). Transpiration and annual water balance of Aleppo pine in a semiarid region: implications for forest management. Forest Ecology and Management 298:39-51

57. Dicken, Uri, Cohen, S., Tanny, J. (2013). Examination of the Bowen Ratio Energy Balance technique for evapotranspiration estimates in screenhouses. Biosystems Engineering 114:397-405

58. Dicken, Uri, Cohen, S., Tanny, J. (2013). Effect of plant development on turbulent fluxes of a screenhouse banana plantation. Irrigation Science 31(4):701-713 DOI 10.1007/s00271-012-0346-0

59. Klein, T., Di Matteo, G., Rotenberg, E., Cohen, S., Yakir, D. (2013). Differential ecophysiological response of a major Mediterranean pine species across a climatic gradient. Tree Physiology 33(1):26-36 10.1093/treephys/tps116 IF 2.876

60. Stanhill,G., Rosa, R. and Cohen, S. (2012). The roles of water vapor, rainfall and solar radiation in determining air temperature change measured at Bet Dagan, Israel between 1964 and 2010. International Journal of Climatology 33(7):1772-1780

61. Sperling,O., Shapira,O., Cohen, S., Tripler, E., Schwartz,A. and Lazarovitch, N. (2012). Estimating sap flux densities in date palm trees using the heat dissipation method and weighing lysimeters. Tree Physiology 32(9):1171-1178

62. Wachsman, Y., Ratner, K., Shleyzerman, Giller, Y., Shahak, Y., Sadka, A., Cohen, S., Grabshnikov, V., Giladi, B., and Feinchik, M. (2012). Colored screens as a microclimate mitigation tool in the Citrus orchard. Alon Ha'notea 66:44-53

63. Potchter, O., Yaakov, Y., Shashua-Bar, L., Cohen, S., Tanny, J., Bar, P. (2012). Mitigation of urban heat load in desert cities with vegetation - Beer Sheva as a test case. Ecologiya Ve-Sviva (Ecology and Environment), 3(1): 33-42.

64. Cohen, S., Wheeler, J., Holbrook, M. (2012). The radial and azimuthal (or tangential) distribution of sap velocity in tree stems- why and can we predict it? Acta Horticulturae, 951: 131-137.

65. Raz Yaseef, N., Yakir, D., Schiller, G., Cohen, S. (2012). Dynamics of evapotranspiration partitioning in a semi-arid forest as affected by temporal rainfall patterns. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 157: 77-85

66. Klein, T., Cohen, S., and Yakir, D. (2011). Hydraulic adjustments underlying drought resistance of Pinus halepensis. Tree Physiology 31:637-648

67. Teitel, M., Atias, M., Schwartz, A., and Cohen, S. (2011). Use of a greenhouse as an open chamber for canopy gas exchange measurements: methodology and validation. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 151: 1346-1355

68. Potchter, O., Yaakov, Y., Shashua-Bar, L., Cohen, S., Y. Tanny and P. Bar. (2011) The use of urban vegetation as a tool for heat stress mitigation in hot and arid regions, case study: Beer Sheva, Israel. Pages 85-90. Proceedings of the City Weathers Workshop presented at the ESRC sponsored workshop on the 23-24 June 2011. Available online from Research Gate

69. Sprintsin, M., Cohen, S., Maseyk, K., Rotenberg, E., Grünsweig, J., Karnielli, A., Berliner, P. and Yakir, D. (2011). Long term and seasonal courses of leaf area index in a semi-arid forest plantation. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 151:565-574

70. Tanny, J., Cohen, S., Berger, D., Teltch, B, Mekhmandarov, Y., Bahar, M., and Assouline, S. (2011). Evaporation from a reservoir with fluctuating water level: correcting for limited fetch. Journal of Hydrology 404:146-156

71. Tanny, J., U. Dicken, A. Grava and S. Cohen (2011). Use of the Eddy Covariance method for measurement of evapo-transpiration in screenhouses: measurement basics, advantages and limitations. Handasat Mayim (Water Engineering) January 2011, 72:42-45 (in Hebrew)

72. Dicken, U., S. Cohen, A. Grava and Tanny, J. (2011). Water use of banana in screenhouses in different climate regions of Israel: measurement and modeling. Alon Ha'notea 65:20-24 (in Hebrew)

73. Cohen, S., Y. Tanny, and A. Naor. (2010). The isohydric response to shading: predicting orchard water use under screens. In The Dahlia Greidinger International Symposium, March 2009 - Crop Production in the 21st Century, The Technion, Haifa, Israel. Pages: 189-197. Available at Resarch Gate

74. Moller, M., Cohen, S., Pirkner, M., Israeli, Y., Tanny, J. (2010). Transmission of short-wave radiation by agricultural screens. Biosystems Engineering 107:317-327

75. Alchanatis, V., Cohen, Y., Cohen, S., Moller, M., Sprintsin, M., Meron, M., Tsipris, Y., Saranga, Y., Sela, E. (2010). Evaluation of different approaches for estimating and mapping crop water status in cotton with thermal imaging. Precision Agriculture 11(1):27-41.

76. Tanny, J., Dicken, U., Cohen, S. (2010). Vertical variation in turbulence statistics and energy balance in a banana screenhouse. Biosystems Engineering 106:175-187

77. Raz Yaseef, N., Yakir, D., Rotenberg, E., Schiller, G., Cohen, S. (2010). Ecohydrology of a semi-arid forest: partitioning among water balance components and its implications for predicted precipitation changes. Ecohydrology 3:143-154

78. Schiller, G., Ungar, E. D., Cohen, S., Herr, N. (2010). Water use by Tabor and Kermes oaks growing in their respective habitats in the lower Galilee region of Israel. Forest Ecology and Management 259: 1018-1024.

79. Tanny, J., Moller, M., and Cohen, S. (2009). Aerodynamic properties of boundary layers along screens. Biosystems Engineering 102:171-179

80. Langensiepen, M., Fuchs, M., Bergamaschi, H., Moreshet, S., Cohen Y., Wolff, P., Jutzi, S.C., Cohen, S., Rosa, L.M.G., Li, Y. and Fricke, T. (2009). Quantifying the uncertainties of transpiration calculations with the Penman-Monteith equation under different climate and optimum water supply conditions. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 149:1063-1072

81. Stanhill,G., and Cohen, S. (2009). Is solar dimming global or urban? Evidence from measurements in Israel between 1954 and 2007. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres 114, D00D17, doi:10.1029/2009JD011976.

82. Sprintsin, M., Karnieli, A., Sprintsin, S., Cohen, S., Berliner, P. (2009). Relationships between Stand Density and Canopy Structure in a Dryland Forest as Estimated by Ground-based Measurements and Multi-spectral Spaceborne Images. Journal of Arid Environments 73:955-962

83. Sprintsin, M., Karnieli, A., Berliner, P., Rotenberg, E., Yakir, D., Cohen, S., (2009). Evaluating the performance of the MODIS Leaf Area Index (LAI) product over a Mediterranean dryland planted forest. International Journal of Remote Sensing 30 (19):5061-5069

84. Damari Weissler, H., Rachmilevitch, S., Aloni, R., German, M., Cohen, S., Zwienicki, M., Holbrook, M. N., Granot, D. (2009). LeFRK2, a gene encoding the major fructokinase in tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum), is required for phloem and xylem differentiation and the transport of both sugar and water. Planta 230 (4): 795-805

85. Levin, M., Resnick, N., Rosianskey, Y., Kolotilin, I., Wininger, S., Lemcoff, H., Cohen, S., Galili, G., Koltai, H., Kapulnik, Y. (2009). Transcriptional profiling of Arabidopsis thaliana plants' response to low relative humidity suggests a shoot-root communication. Plant Science 177(5):450-459 DOI: 10.1016/j.plantsci.2009.07.010

86. Shtienberg, D., Elad, Y., Bornstein, M., Ziv, G., Grava, A., Cohen, S., (2009) Polyethylene mulch modifies greenhouse microclimate and reduces infection of Phytophthora infestans in tomato and Psuedoperonospora cubensis in cucumber. Phytopathology 100 (1):97-104

87. Agele, S., Cohen, S. (2009). Effect of genotype and graft type on the hydraulic characteristics and water relations of grafted melon. Journal of Plant Interactions 4(1):59-66

88. Stanhill,G., and Cohen, S. (2008). Solar radiation changes in Japan during the 20th century: evidence from sunshine duration measurements. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan 86(1):57-67

89. Tanny, J., Cohen, S., Assouline, S., Lange, F., Grava, A., Berger, D., Teltch, B., Parlange, M.B. (2008). Evaporation from a small water reservoir: direct measurements and estimates. Journal of Hydrology 351: 218-229.

90. Cohen, Y., Cohen, S., Cantuarias Aviles, T. and G. Schiller. (2008). Variations in the radial gradient of sap velocity in trunks of forest and fruit trees. Plant and Soil 305:49-59

91. Hai-Jun Liu, Cohen, S., Tanny, J., Lemcoff, J. H. and G. Huang. (2008). Transpiration estimation of banana (Musa sp.) plants with the thermal dissipation method. Plant and Soil 308:227-238

92. Hai-Jun Liu, Cohen, S., Tanny, J., Lemcoff, J. H. and G. Huang. (2008). Estimation of banana (Musa sp.) plant transpiration using a standard 20 cm pan in a greenhouse. Irrigation and Drainage Systems 22:311-323

93. Tanny, J., S. Cohen , Assouline, S., Lange, F., Grava, A., Berger, D., Teltch, B., Parlange, M.B. (2008). Evaporation from a small water reservoir: direct measurements and estimates. Journal of Hydrology 351: 218-229.

94. Yang, L., Li, T., Li, F., Lemcoff, H., S. Cohen (2008). Fertilization regulates soil enzymatic activity and fertility dynamics in a cucumber field. Scientia Horticulturae 116:21-26

95. Schiller, G., S. Cohen , ED Unger, Y. Moshe, and N. Herr. (2007). Estimating water use by sclerophyllous species under east Mediterranean climate: III. Tabor oak forest sap flow distribution and transpiration. Forest Ecology and Management 238:147-155

96. Teitel, M., Barak, M., Ben-Yaakov, E., Gatker, J., Tanny, J. and S. Cohen (2007). Comparing greenhouse natural ventilation to fan and pad cooling. Acta Horticulturae 761:33-39

97. Sprintsin, M., A. Karnieli, P. Berliner, E. Rotenberg, D. Yakir and S. Cohen . (2007). The effect of spatial resolution on the accuracy of leaf area index estimation for a forest planted in the desert transition zone. Remote Sensing and Environment 109:416-428

98. S. Cohen , A. Naor, J. Bennink, A. Grava and M. Tyree. (2007). Hydraulic resistance components of mature apple trees on rootstocks of different vigours. Journal of Experimental Botany 58(15-16):4213-4224

99. Hai-jun, L., S. Cohen , J. Tanny and G. Huang. (2007). Transpiration of banana plant measured by Granier method. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology 18(1):35-40

100. Levin, M., J. H. Lemcoff, S. Cohen , and Y. Kapulnik. (2007). Low air humidity increases leaf specific hydraulic conductance of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh (Brassicaceae). Journal of Experimental Botany 58 (13):3711-3718

101. Assouline, S., S.W. Tyler, J. Tanny, S. Cohen , E. Bou-Zeid, M.B. Parlange, and G.G. Katul. (2007). Evaporation from three water bodies of different sizes and climates : Measurements and Scaling Analysis. Advances in Water Resources 31: 160-172.

102. Moller, M., V. Alchanatis, Y. Cohen, M. Meron, J. Tsipris, A. Naor, V. Ostrovsky, M. Sprintsin, S. Cohen (2007). Use of thermal and visible imagery for estimating crop water status of irrigated grapevine. Journal of Experimental Botany, 58(4):827-838.

103. Tanny, J., L. Haijun and S. Cohen (2006). Energy balance closure and application of the eddy covariance technique in a banana screenhouse. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 8, 02506, 2006

104. Cohen, S., Ziv, G., Elad, Y., Shtienberg, D. (2006). Influence of polyethylene mulch on night microclimate, dew point and Phytophthora infestans infection in non-heated tomato greenhouses in southern Israel. Acta Horticulturae 718:277-282

105. Cohen, S., A. Ianetz, M. Moller, and G. Stanhill (2006). Changing trends of surface solar radiation at Bet Dagan and their relation to climate. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 8, 04550, 2006

106. Cohen, S. and G. Stanhill (2006). Changes in Japanese sunshine duration during the 20th century correlate with the Northern Hemisphere temperature anomaly. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 8, 04571, 2006

107. Agele, S., S. Cohen, S. Assouline (2006). Hydraulic characteristics and water relations of net house-grown bell pepper as affected by irrigation regimes in a Mediterranean climate. Environmental and Experimental Botany 57:226-235

108. Assouline, S., Moller,M., S. Cohen, M. Ben-Hur, A. Grava, K. Narkis, A. Silber. (2006). Soil-plant system response to pulsed drip irrigation and salinity: bell pepper case study. Soil Science Society of America Journal 70:1556-1568

109. Tanny, J., Cohen, S., Elmowitz, D., Grava, A., Haijun, L. (2006). Measuring and predicting evapotranspiration in a banana screenhouse. Acta Horticulturae 718:539-545

110. Tanny, Y., L. Haijun, S. Cohen (2006). Airflow characteristics, energy balance and eddy covariance measurements in a banana screenhouse. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 139, 105-118.

111. Tanny, J., S. Cohen, Grava, A., Naor, A. and Lukyanov, V. (2006). The effect of shading screens on the microclimate of an apple orchard. Alon H'anotea 60:120-125.

112. Tanny, J., S. Cohen, Assouline, S., Grava, A., Berger, D. and Teltash, B. (2006). "Are the waters dried up from off the face of the earth": Direct measurements and estimation of evaporation from the free water surface in Netufa reservoir. Water and Environment 68: 13-17.

113. Li, Y., H. Xu, and S. Cohen (2005). Long term hydraulic acclimation to soil texture and radiation load in cotton. Plant, Cell and Environment 28:492-499.

114. Stanhill,G., and S. Cohen (2005). Solar radiation changes in the United States during the 20th Century: Evidence from sunshine duration measurements. Journal of Climate 18(10):1503-1512.

115. S. Cohen, Raveh,E., Li,Y., Grava, A., and E.E. Goldschmidt (2005). Physiological responses of leaves, tree growth and fruit yield of grapefruit trees under reflective shade screens. Scientia Horticulturae 107(1):25-35

116. Netzer, Y., C. Yao, M. Shenker, B. Bravdo, A. Schwartz, S. Cohen (2005). Water consumption of 'Superior' grapevines grown in a semi-arid region. Acta Horticulturae 689:399-405

117. Sprintsin, M., S. Cohen, A. Karnieli, P. Berliner, E. Rotenberg and Yakir, D. (2005). Remote sensing techniques for estimating the Leaf Area Index of a planted forest located at the desert transition zone. In A. Roder and J. Hill (Eds.) Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Processing in the Assessment and Monitoring of Land Degradation and Desertification, held in Trier (Germany), September 7-9, 2005. pp. 102-107.

118. Tanny, J. and S. Cohen (2005). Evaporation from natural surfaces: boundary layer structure, eddy flux and modeling. In P. Aggarwal et al. (Eds.) International workshop on isotopic effects in evaporation. Revisiting the Craig-Gordon Model four decades after its formulation, Area della Ricerca CNR, Pisa, Italy, 3-5 May 2006. pp. 188-192. Published by Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche-CNR, Italy. April, 2006

119. Moller, M., J. Tanny, Y. Li, and S. Cohen (2004). Measuring and predicting evapotranspiration in an insect-proof screenhouse. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 127:35-51.

120. Li, Y., Cohen, Y., Wallach, R., S. Cohen, and M. Fuchs (2004). On quantifying soil water deficit of a partially wetted root zone by the response of canopy or leaf conductance. Agricultural Water Management, 65:21-38.

121. Yahav, S., A. Straschnow, D. Luger, D. Shinder, J. Tanny, and S. Cohen (2004). Ventilation, sensible heat loss and broiler energy and water balance under harsh environmental conditions. Poultry Science, 83:253-258.

122. David, T.S., M. I. Ferreira, S. Cohen, J. S. Pereira and J. S. David (2004). Seasonal trends and hydraulic limits of transpiration from an isolated Quercus rotundifolia Lam. tree in southern Portugal. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 122:193-205.

123. Raveh, E., S. Cohen, T. Raz, D. Yakir,A. Grava and E.E. Goldschmidt (2003). Increased growth of young citrus trees under reduced radiation load in a semi-arid climate. Journal of Experimental Botany, 54 (381):365-373.

124. Tanny, J., S. Cohen (2003). The effect of a small shade net on the properties of wind and selected boundary-layer parameters above and inside a citrus orchard. Biosystems Engineering 84(1):57-67.
125. Tanny, J., S. Cohen, M. Teitel (2003). Screenhouse microclimate: an experimental study. Biosystems Engineering 84(3):331-341.

126. Schiller, G., ED Unger, Y. Moshe, S. Cohen and Y. Cohen. (2003). Estimating water use by sclerophyllous species under east Mediterranean climate: II. The transpiration of Quercus calliprinos Webb. in response to silvicultural treatments. Forest Ecology and Management 179:483-495.

127. S. Cohen, Bennink, J. and M. Tyree. (2003) Air method measurements of apple vessel length distributions with improved apparatus and theory. Journal of Experimental Botany, 54(389):1889-1897

128. Naor, A., S. Cohen (2003). Response of apple tree stem diameter, midday stem water potential and transpiration rate to a drying and recovery cycle. Hortscience 38(4):547-551

129. Moller, M., Tanny, J., S. Cohen and Teitel M. (2003). Micrometeorological measurements in a screenhouse. Acta Horticulturae 614:445-451.

130. Li, F., Kang, S., Zhang, J. and S. Cohen (2003). Effects of atmospheric CO2 enrichment, water status and applied nitrogen on water- and nitrogen-use efficiencies of wheat. Plant and Soil 254:279-289.

131. Li, F., S. Cohen, A. Naor, K. Shaozong and A. Erez (2002). Studies of canopy structure and water use of apple trees on three rootstocks. Agricultural Water Management 55(1): 1-14

132. Cohen, S. and A. Naor (2002). The effect of three rootstocks on water use, canopy conductance and hydraulic parameters of apple trees; and predicting canopy from hydraulic conductance. Plant Cell and Environment 25(1):17-28.

133. Assouline, S., S. Cohen, D. Meerbach, T. Harodi, and M. Rosner(2002). Microdrip Irrigation of Field Crops - Effect on Yield, Water Uptake, and Drainage in Sweet Corn . Soil Science Society of America Journal. 66:228-235

134. Li, Y., M. Fuchs, S. Cohen, Y. Cohen & R. Wallach (2002). Water uptake profile response of corn to soil moisture depletion. Plant Cell and Environment 25(4):491-500.

135. Cohen, S., Ianetz, A. and G. Stanhill (2002) Evaporative climate changes at Bet-Dagan, Israel, 1964-1998. Agric. For. Meteorol. 111(2):83-91.

136. Stanhill, G., Cohen, S. (2001). Global dimming: a review of the evidence for a widespread and significant reduction in global radiation with discussion of its probable causes and possible agricultural consequences. Agric. For. Meteorol. 107:255-278.

137. Cohen, S., M. J. Striem, M. Bruner, and I Klein (2000). Grapevine leaf area index evaluation by gap fraction inversion Acta Hort. 537:87-94.

138. Meerbach, D., S. Cohen, U. Yirmiyahu, R. Wallach, and C. Dirksen (2000). Influence of drip irrigation layout on salt distribution and sap flow in effluent irrigated cotton. Acta Hort. 537:709-718.

139. Meron, M., S. Cohen, and G. Melman (2000). Tree shape and volume measurement by light interception and aerial photogrammetry. Trans. ASAE 43(2):475-481 .

140. Cohen, S., N. Mogilner and S. Moreshet, M. Bar-Joseph (2000). Influence of citrus exocortis viroid on Citron seedling water relations. Acta Hort 535:245-251.

141. Cohen, S. and M. Fuchs. (1999). Measuring and predicting radiometric properties of reflective shade nets and thermal screens. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research 73:245-55.

142. Cohen, S., A. Shaeffer, S. Shen, S. Cohen, and M. Sagi. (1999). Light distribution in greenhouse muskmelon canopies. Prediction, measurement and influences. Acta Hort. 507:17-24.

143. Moreshet, S., S. Cohen, Z. Assor, and M. Bar-Joseph. (1998) Water relations of citrus exocortis viroid-infected grapefruit trees in the field. J. Exp. Bot. 49(325):1421-1430.

144. Cohen, S. and H. Gijzen. (1998) The implementation of software engineering concepts in the greenhouse crop model HORTISIM. Acta Hortic. 456:431-440.

145. Gijzen, H., E. Heuvelink, L.F.M. Marcelis, E. Dayan, S. Cohen, M. Fuchs, and H. Challa (1998). HORTISIM: A model for greenhouse crops and greenhouse climate. Acta Hortic. 456:441-450.

146. Cohen, S., S. Moreshet, L. LeGuillou, J.-C. Simon, and M. Cohen. (1997) Response of citrus trees to modified radiation regime in semi-arid conditions. J. Exp. Bot. 48(306): 35-44.

147. Stanhill, G. and S. Cohen. (1997) Recent changes in the surface radiation balance of Antarctica. Journal of Climate 10(8):2078-86.

148. Cohen, S., R. Sudhakara Rao, and Y. Cohen. (1997) Canopy transmittance inversion with a line quantum probe in a row crop. Agric. For. Meteorol. 86:225-234.

149. Cohen, S. and G. Stanhill (1996). Contemporary climate change in the Jordan Valley. J. Appl. Meteorol. 35(7): 1051-1058.

150. Cohen, S., P. Mosoni and M. Meron (1995). Canopy clumpiness and radiation penetration in a young hedgerow apple orchard. Agric. For. Meteorol. 76:185-200

151. Cohen, A., A. Goell, S. Cohen, and Ismajovitch, R. (1988). Effects of leaf distribution in the canopy on the total dry matter production in grapefruit trees. Isr. J. Bot. 37: 257-266.

152. Cohen S. and Fuchs, M. (1987). The distribution of leaf area, radiation, photosynthesis and transpiration in a Shamouti orange hedgerow orchard, I. leaf area and radiation. Agric. For. Meteorol. 40: 123-144.

153. Cohen, S., M. Fuchs, S. Moreshet and Cohen, Y. (1987). The distribution of leaf area, radiation, photosynthesis and transpiration in a Shamouti orange hedgerow orchard, II. photosynthesis, transpiration, and the effect of row shape and direction. Agric. For. Meteorol. 40: 145-162.

154. Cohen, S. and Cohen, Y. (1983).Field studies of leaf conductance response to environmental variables in Citrus. J. Applied Ecol. 20(2): 561-570.

155. Cohen, Y., M. Fuchs, and Cohen, S. (1983). Resistance to water uptake in a mature Citrus tree. J. Exp. Bot. 34(141): 451-460.

156. Cohen, S.S., J. Gale, A. Shmida, A. Poljakoff-Mayber and Suraqui, S. (1981) Xeromorphism and potential rate of transpiration on Mt. Hermon, an East Mediterranean mountain. J. Ecol. 69: 391-403.

Books, Book Chapters and Reviews:

1. Welles, J. and S. Cohen (1996). Canopy structure measurement by gap fraction analysis using commercial instrumentation. Journal of Experimental Botany 47(302):1335-1342. Re-published in a J. Exp. Bot. Monograph entitled: Perspectives in Experimental Botany, ed. Bill Davies, 1997.

2. Stanhill, G., Cohen, S. (2001). Global dimming: a review of the evidence for a widespread and significant reduction in global radiation with discussion of its probable causes and possible agricultural consequences. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 107:255-278.

3. Cohen, S., Liepert, B., and G. Stanhill (2004). Global dimming comes of age. EOS 85(38):362.

4. Yahav,S., Shinder, D., Tanny, J., and Cohen, S. (2005). Sensible heat loss - the broiler's paradox. World Poultry Science Journal 61: 419-434

5. Horita, J., Rozanski, K., and Cohen, S. (2008). Isotope effects in the evaporation of water: a status report of the Craig - Gordon Model. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 44(1):23-49

6. Ohring, G., Cohen, S., Norris, J., Robock, A., Rudich, Y., Wild, M.,and Wiscombe, W. (2008). Global dimming and Brightening. International Workshop of the Israel Science Foundation on Global Dimming and Brightening, Ein Gedi, Israel, 10-14 February 2008. Eos Trans. AGU, 89(23), 212 and supplemental material at http://www.agu.org/eos_elec/2008/ohring_89_23.html

7. Rodov, V., Ben-Yehoshua, S., Aharoni, N., and Cohen, S. (2010). Modified humidity packaging: theory and practice. In: Horticultural Reviews 37:281-329

8. Cohen, S. (2009). The Role of Widespread Surface Solar Radiation Trends in Climate Change: Dimming and Brightening. In: Climate and Global Change: Observed Impacts on Planet Earth. edited by Prof. Trevor M. Letcher, Elsevier publishers, 492 pages, p 21-41

9. Shaviv, A., Broday, D., Cohen, S., Furman, A., Kanwar, R. eds. (2010). Crop Production in the 21st Century: Global Climate Change, Environmental Risks and Water Scarcity. Proceedings of the Dahlia Greidinger International Symposium, 2009, The Technion, Haifa. http://dgsymp09.technion.ac.il/Proceedings%20finalized%20for%20dist.pdf

10. Bredemeier, M., Cohen, S., Godbold, D., Lode, E., Pichler, V. and Schleppi, P. eds. (2011). Forest Management and the Water Cycle. An Ecosystem Based Approach. Ecological Studies Volume 212. Springer, New York.

11. Centritto, M., Tognetti R., Leitgeb E., Strelkova K., and Cohen, S. (2011). Chapter 3. Above ground processes - anticipation climate change influences. In Forest Management and the Water Cycle. An Ecosystem Based Approach. Ecological Studies Volume 212: 31-64. Springer, New York.

12. Cohen S. and Bredemeier, M. (2011). Chapter 28. Synthesis and outlook. In Forest Management and the Water Cycle. An Ecosystem Based Approach. Ecological Studies Volume 212: 507-512. Springer, New York.

13. Cohen S., Levy, G. and Ben-Hur, M. (2013). Chapter 9. Israeli perspectives on climate change influences on semi-arid agriculture, forestry and soil conservation. In Handbook of Climate Change and Agroecosystems. ICP Series on Climate Change impacts, Adaptation and Mitigation. Vol. 2. Global and Regional Aspects and Implications. edited by Daniel Hillel and Cynthia Rosenzweig. Imperial College Press, London. Pages 161-191.

14. Bredemeier, M. and Cohen, S. (2015). Hydrological Cycling. Chapter 24. In Handbook of Forest Ecology. Edited by Kelvin Peh, Richard Corlett, Yves Bergeron. Routledge Publishing. Pages 341-353

15. Cohen, S. and Stanhill, G. (2016). Chapter 29. Widespread surface solar radiation changes and their effects: dimming and brightening. In: Climate and Global Change: Observed Impacts on Planet Earth. Second edition. edited by Prof. Trevor M. Letcher, Elsevier publishers. Pages 491-511

16. Cohen, S. and Stanhill, G. (2021). Chapter 32. Changes in the Sun's radiation: the role of widespread surface solar radiation trends in climate change: dimming and brightening. In: Climate and Global Change: Observed Impacts on Planet Earth. Third edition. edited by Prof. Trevor M. Letcher, Elsevier publishers. Pages 687-707

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  • Improving the evapotranspiration estimation of orchards and vegetable crops covered with screens.
  • Effect of vegetation on urban climate. Calculation of mean radiant temperature in the urban canyon.
  • Environmental physiology of woody mediterranean species.


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