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הנהלה מרכז מידע - ספריה תלמידי מחקר יחידה עסקית דוברות מכוני מחקר אודות
שלח באימייל הדפס
זאב שמילוביץ, Ph.D.  :שם
הנדסה חקלאיתהנדסת מערכות חישה, מידע ומיכון :מחלקה/יחידה
03-9683459 03-9683303/737 :טלפון
050-6220459 :סלולרי
+972-3-9604704 :פקס
veshmilo@volcani.agri.gov.il :דוא"ל
המכון להנדסה חקלאית :מיקום פיזי
המכון להנדסה חקלאית
בית דגן ת.ד. 6

חוקר בכיר-  אמריטוס

תחומי עניין / תאור תפקיד
שיטות וחיישני אלהרס, ספקטרוסקופיה בתחום התת אדום (NIR), חיטוי בקיטור , דיאלקטריות של תוצרת חקלאית, טכנולוגיות אחר אסיף, מיון והפרדה, מצע מרחף.

Publications (since 2001) 

  • Schmilovitch, Z., A. Hoffman, H. Egozi, R. Ben Zvi, Z. and V. Alchanatis. (2000)Machine for automatic sorting 'barhi' dates according to maturity by near infrared spectrometry. POSTHARVEST2000. 4th International conference on postharvest science., Jerusalem, Israel, March 2000
  • Pasternak, H., Z. Schmilovitch, E. Falik and Y. Edan. (2001).Over coming multicollinearity in near infrared analysis for Lycpene ontent estimation in tomatoes by using Ridge regression J. Testing and Evaluation. Jan 2001: 60-66
  • Pasternak, H., Y. Edan, and. Z. Schmilovitch. (2001). Ridge regression for NIR analysis with multicollinearity. J. Transfer and Radiation. 69(2001): 761-768.
  • Schmilovitch Z., A. Hoffman, H. Egozi, R. El-Batzri and C. Degani. (2001) Determination of Avocado Maturity by Near-Infrared Spectrometry. ISHS Acta Horticulturae 562, 175:180.
  • Schmilovitch Z., A. Hoffmann, H. Egozi, E. Klein. (2002) Determination of egg freshness by NNIR spectroscopy. AgEng2002, Budapest, Hungary, 30 June - 4 July 2002
  • Schmilovitch Z. A. Mizrach, G Kritzman, J. Irudayraj, C. Debroy, R Kurutik Detection of Food Borne pathogens Using Raman Spectroscopy. Presentation at the2003 ASAE Annual International Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA 27- 30 July 2003
  • Schmilovitch Z.,. A. Hoffman, H. Egozi, J. Grinshpun and B. Korotin System Determination of Single Date Water Content by Novel RF Device. Presentation at the2003 ASAE Annual International, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA 27- 30 July 2003
  • Schmilovitch Z., (2003) Determination of agricultural maturity by NIR spectroscopy. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the IMPS. Book of abstracts, p. 14. Tel-Aviv, Israel.
  • Bonfil D.J., A. Karnieli, M. Raz, I. Mufradi, S. Asido, H. Egozi, A. Hoffman and Z. Schmilovitch. (2004). Decision support system for improving wheat grain quality in the editerranean area of Israel. Field Crops Res. 89: 153-163
  • Alchanatis, V., Z. Schmilovitch, and M. Meron (accepted 2004) In-field assessment of single leaf nitrogen status by spectral reflectance measurements. Precision Agriculture 5:1-15
  • Yu, C., J. Irudayaraj, C. Debroy, Z. Schmilovitch, and A. Mizrach. (2004). Spectroscopic Differentiation and Quantification of Microorganisms in Apple Juice. Journal of Food Science. 69(7):S268-72.
  • Bonfil D. J., A. Karnieli , M. Raz, I. Mufradi1, S. Asido1, H. Egozi, A. Hoffman and Z. Schmilovitch. Rapid assessing of water and nitrogen status in wheat flag leaves. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment. Vol.3 (2) : 148-153 . 2005
  • Gupta M. J., J. M. Irudayaraj, C. Debroy, Z. Schmilovitch, A. Mizrach. (2005). Differentiation of Food Pathogens Using FTIR and Artificial Neural Networks. Transactions of the ASAE 48(5):1889-1892
  • Schmilovitch Z., Y. Sarig, B. Ronen, A. Hoffman, H Egozi, H Bers, . E Barlev. and F. Gross. (2004) Development of a Method and a System for Extracting The (Arils) Seeds From Pomegranate Fruits. Presented at the 2004 CIGR International Conference, Beijing Sponsored by CIGR, CSAM and CSAE Beijing, China 11- 14 October 2004
  • Schmilovitch, Z., A. Mizrach, V. Alchanatis, G. Kritzman, R. Korotic, J. Irudayaraj, and C. Debroy. (2005). Detection of Bacteria With Low-Resolution Raman Spectroscopy. Transactions of the ASAE. 48(5):1843-1850
  • Schmilovitch, Z., A.Hoffman, H. Egozi, J.Grinshpun . (2006). Determination of Single-Date Water Content by A Novel RF Device. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 22(3):401-405.
  • Schmilovitch, Z., V. Alchanatis, M. Shachar and Y/ Holdstein. (2007). Spectrophotometric otoscope: A new tool in the diagnosis of otitis media. Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy 15 (4 )209-215 .
  • Mizrach, A., Z. Schmilovitch, R. Korotic, J. Irudayaraj, R. Shapira (2007). Yeast Detection in Apple Juice Using Raman Spectroscopy and Chemometric Methods. Transactions of the ASABE Vol. 50(6): 2143-2149
  • Shenderey C., I. Shmulevich, V. Alchanatis, H. Egozi, A. Hoffman, V. Ostrovsky, S. Lurie, R. Ben Arie, and Z. Schmilovitch.  (2009). NIRS Detection of Moldy Core in Apples. Food and Bioprocess Technology Journal (2010) 3:79-86
  • Feygenberg, O., R. Ben-Arie E. Pesis, R. Ben-Zvi and Z. Schmilovitch. (2010). Determination of Ripening Stage in Date Cultivar ‘Barhi' by the Level of Ethylene Emission. Proc. 6th International Postharvest Symposium, Eds.: M. Erkan and U. Aksoy Acta Hort. 877, ISHS 2010: 1019-1024.
  • Ignat Timea, Amos Mizrach , Ze'ev Schmilovitch, József Felföldi. (2011). Bell pepper maturity determination by ultrasonic. techniques . techniques. Progress in Agricultural Engineering Sciences 6 (2010), 17-34 DOI: 10.1556/Progress.6.2010.2
  • Ignat T., Z. Schmilovitch, J. Fefoldi, B. Steiner, S. Alkalai-Tuvia Non-destructive measurement of ascorbic acid content in bell peppers by VIS-NIR and SWIR spectrometry. (2012). Biology and Technology, 74: 91-99
  • Rotbart N, Schmilovitch, Z., Cohen, Y., Alcahantis V., Erel, R., Ignat, T., Shenderey, C., Dag, A., Yermiyahu, U. (2012). Estimating olive leaf nitrogen concentration using VIS-NIR spectral reflectance. Biosystem Engineering, ISSN 1537-5110,
  • Nyasordzi, J., Friedman, H., Schmilovitch, Z., Ignat, T., Weksler, A., Rot, I., Lurie, S. (2013): Utilizing the IAD index to determine internal quality attributes of apples at harvest and after storage. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 77, 80-86.
  • Rotbart N., Z. Schmilovitch, Y. Cohen, V. Alcahantis, R. Erel, T. Ignat, C. Shenderey, A. Dag, U. Yermiyahu. (2013). Estimating olive (Olea Eurpaea) leaf nitrogen concentration using VIS-NIR spectral reflectance. Nir Vatelem 43: 24-30, 2013. (in Hebrew)
  • Schmilovitch, Z.*, Ignat, T., Alcahantis V., Getker, J., Ostrovsky, V., and Feloldi, J. (2014). Hyperspectral imaging of intact bell peppers.Biosystems Engineering, 117: 83-93.
  • Ignat, T., Schmilovitch, Z., Alcahantis V. (2014): Maturity stage prediction of intact bell peppers by sensor fusion. Journal of Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 104, 9-17.
  • Ignat, T., S. Lurie, J. Nyasordzi, V. Ostrovsky, H.Egozi, A. Hoffman, H.. Friedman, A.Weksler, Z. Schmilovitch. (2014). Forecast of Apple Internal Quality Indices at Harvest and During Storage by VIS-NIR Spectroscopy. Food and Bioprocess Technology. (7) 2951:2961
  • Schmilovitch Z., V. Rodov, V. Alchanatis, T. Ignat, A.Hoffman, H. Egozi and V.Ostrovsky. (2015). Machinery for Fresh Cut Watermelon and Cantaloupe. Chemical Engineering Transactions VOL. 44, 277-282, 2015 DOI: 10.3303/CET1544047
  • Ignat T., V. Alchanatis, Z. Schmilovitch. (2015). Maturity prediction of intact bell peppers by sensor fusion,. Chemical Engineering Transactions VOL. 44, 67-73, 2015 DOI: 10.3303/CET1544012
  • Ozana N., S. Buchsbaum, Y. Bishitz, Y.Beiderman, Z. Schmilovitch, A. Schwarz, A.Shemer, J.Keshet, and Z. Zalevsky, (2016) Optical remote sensor for peanut kernel abortion classification Applied Optics Vol. 55, Issue 15, pp. 4005-4010 (2016) DOI: 10.1364/AO.55.004005.
  • Ben-Zvi R., T. Ignat, V. Alcahnatis, A. Hoffman, H. Borochov-Neori, A. Immerman and Z. Schmilovitch. (2017) New post-harvest aproach for high quality fresh ‘Medjhool' date. Postharvest Biology and Technology Vol. 124, pp. 35-44.
  • Schmilovitch Z., H. Aharon, T. Ignat, V. Alchanatis, E. Haim, and M. Tamir.(2018)."Produce Sorting by NIR Spectrometry," in Light, Energy and the Environment 2018 (E2, FTS, HISE, SOLAR, SSL), OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2018), paper ET4A.6.
  • Schmilovitch Z*, Aharon H, Ignat T, Alchanati V, Haim E, Tamir M. (2019) Open Access Journal of Agricultural Research ISSN: 2474-8846 Inline Application of NIR System in Produce Sorting Machines.
  • A. Nakar, Z. Schmilovitch, D. Vaizel-Ohayon, Y. Kroupitski, M Borisover, S, Sela ( 2020). Quantification of bacteria in water using PLS analysis of emission spectra of fluorescence and excitation-emission matrices‏. Water research 169, 115197
  • ‏Tarin Paz Kagan, Ze'ev Schmilovitch, Uri Yermiyahu, Or Sperling and Tal Rapaport.Assessing the nitrogen status of almond trees by visible-to-shortwave infrared reflectance spectroscopy of carbohydrates (2020), Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 174
  • E. Adejimi Olubunmi, T. Ignat, Giji Sadhasivam, V. Zakin, Z. Schmilovitch, Shapiro Orr. (2021). Low-Resolution Raman Spectroscopy for the detection of contaminant species in algal bioreactors. Sci Total Environ, 2021 Oct 22; 151138. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.151138
  • Mukul Joshi, Ze'ev Schmilovitch, Idit Ginzberg.Pomegranate Fruit Growth and Skin Characteristics in Hot and Dry Climate.Plant Sci, . 2021 Aug 19;12:725479. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.725479. eCollection 2021.
  • Shachar Jerushalmi , Marcel Maymon , Aviv Dombrovsky, Rafi Regev, Ze'ev Schmilovitch, Dvora Namdar, Nurit Shalev, Hinanit Koltai, Stanley Freeman. (2021).Effects of steam sterilization on reduction of fungal colony forming units, cannabinoids and terpene levels in medical cannabis inflorescences. Sci Rep . 2021 Jul 7;11(1):13973. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-93264-y.
  • Oberti R., Schmilovitch Z. (2021) Robotic Spraying for Precision Crop Protection. In: Bechar A. (eds) Innovation in Agricultural Robotics for Precision Agriculture. Progress in Precision Agriculture. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-77036-5_6.
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