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הנהלה מרכז מידע - ספריה תלמידי מחקר יחידה עסקית דוברות מכוני מחקר אודות
Selected publications
  • Maltz E., A. Shkolnik. (1980). Milk production in the desert: Lactation and water economy in the black Bedouin goat. Physiol. Zool. 53:12-28.
  • Maltz E., N. Silanikove, A. Shkolnik. (1981). Renal performance in relation to water and nitrogen metabolism in Bedouin goats during  lactation. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 70A:145-147.
  • Maltz E., N. Silanikove, A. Shkolnik. (1982). Energy cost and water requirement of black Bedouin goats at different levels of production. J. Agric. Sci. Camb. 98:499-504.
  • Knight C. H., E. Maltz, M. Peaker. (1982). A simple technique for estimating milk yield in rats and mice. J. Physiol. 336:73-74p
  • Calvert D.T., C. H. Knight, E. Maltz. (1982). Consequence of urine recycling to the lactating mouse and her young. J. Physiol. 336:74-75p
  • Olsson K., E. Maltz, S. M. Glick, F. Fyrquist, A. Shkolnik. (1983). Control of water balance in lactating and non-lactating Bedouin goats. Acta Physiol. Scand. 11:297-299.
  • Maltz E., A. Shkolnik. (1983). Milk composition and yield of the black Bedouin goat during dehydration and rehydration. J. Dairy Res. 51:23-27.
  • Maltz E., A. Shkolnik, S. Gordin. (1984). Milk production in the desert: The lactating Bedouin goat in its natural habitat. Acta Zool. Fenn. 171:191-193
  • Maltz E., K. Olsson, S.M. Glick, F. Fyrquist, N. Silanikove,  I. Choshniak, A. Shkolnik. (1984). Homeostatic responses to water deprivation or hemorrhage in lactating and non-lactating Bedouin goats. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 77A:79-84.
  • Maltz E., D.R. Blatchford, M. Peaker. (1984). Effect of frequent milking on milk secretion and mammary blood flow in the goat. Quart. J. Exp. Physiol. 69:127-132.
  • Knight C.H., E. Maltz, A.H. Docherty. (1986). Milk yield and composition in mice: effects of litter size and lactation number. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 84A:127-133.
  • Ezov N., E. Maltz, R. Yarom, D. Lewis, D. Schindler, M. Ron,  E. Aizinbud, A.R. Lehrer. (1990). Cell density, fluid volume and electrolyte content of bovine vulvar tissue during oestrus and dioestrus. Animal Reprod. Sci. 22:281-288.
  • Maltz E., N. Silanikove, Y. Carasso, G. Shefet, A. Meltzer,  and M. Barak. (1991). A note on feeding total mixed ration on performance of dairy goats in late lactation. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 35:15-20
  • Maltz E., O. Kroll, R. Sagi, S. Devir, S.L. Spahr, A. Genizi. (1991). Milk yield, parity and cow potential as variables for computerized concentrates supplementation strategy. J. Dairy Sci. 74:2277-2289
  • Shalit, U., E. Maltz, N. Silanikove, A. Berman. (1991). Water, Na, K and Cl metabolism of dairy cows at onset of lactation in hot weather. J. dairy Sci. 74:1874-1883
  • Maltz, E., S. Devir,  O. Kroll, B. Zur, S.L. Spahr, R.D. Shanks. (1992). Comparative responses of lactating cows to total mixed ration or computerized individual concentrates feeding. J. Dairy Sci. 75:1588-1603.
  • Spahr, S.L., R.D. Shanks, G.C. McCoy, E. Maltz,  and O. Kroll. (1993). Lactation potential as a criterion for total mixed ration feeding strategy for dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 76:2723-2735
  • Peiper, U. M., Y. Edan, S. Devir, M. Barak, and E. Maltz.  (1993). Automatic weighing of dairy cows. J. agric. Engng. Res. 56:13-24
  • Grinspan, P., H.E. Kahn, E. Maltz, and Y. Edan. (1994). A fuzzy logic expert system for dairy cow transfer between feeding groups. Transactions of the ASAE. 37(5):1647-1654.
  • Maltz, E., N. Silanikove, A. Berman, and U. Shalit. (1994). Diurnal fluctuations in plasma ions and water intake of dairy cows as affected by lactation in warm weather. J. Dairy Sci. 77:2630-2639
  • Livshin, N., E. Maltz, and Y. Edan. (1995).  Regularity of dairy cow feeding behavior to computer controlled feeding. J. Dairy Sci. 78:296-304.
  • Bar Peled, U., A.R. Lehrer, Y. Folman, I. Bruckental, J. Kali, H. Gacitua, E. Maltz, H. Tagari, B. Robinzon, and C.H. Knight. (1995). Relationship between frequent milking or suckling in early lactation and milk production of high producing dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 78:2726-2736.
  • Maltz, E., N. Silanikove. (1996). Kidney function and nitrogen balance of high - yielding dairy cows at the onset of lactation. J. Dairy Sci. 79: 1621-1626.
  • Silanikove, N., E. Maltz, A. Halevi, D., Shinder. (1995). Water, sodium, potassium and chlorine balance during late pregnancy and early lactation in high - yielding dairy cows under winter Mediterranean conditions. In: Breeding and Feeding the High Genetic Merit Dairy Cow. Edited by T.L.J. Lawrence, F.J. Gordon and A. Carson. Occ. Publ. Br. Soc. Anim. Sci. No. 19:104-105. 
  • Spahr, S.L., E. Maltz, (1997). Herd management for robot milking. Journal of Computers and Electronics in Agriculture-SI. 17:53-62.
  • Silanikove, N., E. Maltz, A. Halevi, D. Shinder  (1997).Metabolism of water, sodium, potassium, and chlorine by high yielding dairy cows at onset of lactation. J. Dairy Sci. 80:949-956.
  • Maltz, E., Devir, S., J.H.M. Metz, H. Hogeveen. (1997). The body weight of the dairy cow: I. Introductory study into body weight changes in dairy cows as a management aid. Livestock Production Science. 48:175-186
  • Maltz E., (1997). The body weight of the dairy cow: III. Use for on-line management purposes of individual cows. Livestock Production Science. 48:187-200
  • Bar-Peled, U., B. Robinzon, E. Maltz, H. Tagari, Y. Folman, I. Bruckental, H. Voet, H. Gacitua, R. Lehrer. (1997). Increased weight gain and effects on production parameters of suckled heifer calves from birth to six weeks of age. J. Dairy Sci. 80:2523-2528.
  • Bar-Peled, U., E. Maltz, H. Tagari, A.R. Lehrer, B. Robinzon, H. Voet, Y. Folman, I. Bruckental, H. Gacitua, N. Silanikove. (1997). Effect of frequent machine milking and suckling in early lactation on blood plasma homeostasis in high-yielding dairy cows. J. Agric. Scie. Camb. 129:237-242.
  • Devir, S., E. Maltz, J.H.M. Metz. (1997). Strategic management planning and implementation at the milking robot dairy farm. J. of  Computers and Electronics in Agriculture-SI. 17:95-110.
  • Spahr, S.L., E. Maltz, (1997). Herd management for robot milking. Journal of Computers and Electronics in Agriculture-SI. 17:53-62.
  • Bar-Peled, U., Y, Aharoni, B. Robinzon, I. Bruckental, R. Lehrer, E. Maltz, C. Knight, J. Kali, Y. Folman, H. Voet, H. Gacitua, H. Tagari. (1998). The effect of enhanced milk production of dairy cows by frequent milking or suckling on intake and digestibility of the diet. J. Dairy Sci. 81:1420-1427
  • Silanikove, N., E. Naltz, D. Shinder, E. Bogin, T. Bastholm, N. J. Christensen, P. Norggarrd. (1998). Metabolic and productive response of dairy cows to increased ion supplementation at early lactation in hot weather. J. of Dairy  Research. 65:529-543.
  • Halachmi, I., Y. Edan, E. Maltz, U. M. Peiper, U. Moallem, I. Brukental. (1998). A real-time control system for individual dairy cows food intake. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 20:131-144
  • Mizrach, A., U. Flitsanov, E. Maltz, S. L. Spahr, J. E. Novakofski. (1998). Ultrasonic assessment of body condition changes of the dairy cow during lactation. Transactions of the ASAE.  42(3):805-812.
  • Halachmi, I.,  J.H.M. Metz, E. Maltz, L. Speelman, A.A. Dijkhuizen. (2000). Designing the optimal robot milking barn, part 1: Quantifying facility usage. J. agric. Engng. Res. 76:37-49
  • Maltz, E., O. Krol, H. Barash, A. Shamay, N. Silanikove. (2000). Lactation and body weight of dairy cows: interrelationships among heat stress, calving season and milk yield. J. of Animal and Feed Sciences. 9(2000):33-45.
  • Eshkenazi, I., E. Maltz, B. Zion, J. Rishpon (2000). Three enzymes cascade biosensor for termination of lactose in raw milk. J. Dairy Sci. 83:1939-1945.
  • Schmilovitch, Z., I. Shmulevitch, A. Notea, E. Maltz. (2000). Nearinfrared spectroscopy of milk in its heterogeneous state. J. of  Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 29:195-207.
  • Maltz, E. (2000). Precision agriculture in dairying: individual management by automatic milking systems. Robotic Milking, Proceedings of the international symposium held in Lelystad, The Netherlands, 17-19 August 2000. Edited by H. Hogeveen and A. Meijring, Wageningen Pres, Wageningen, The Netherlands. pp. 132-142
  • Kadzere, C.T., M.R. Murphy, N. Silanikove, E. Maltz. (2002). Heat stress in lactating dairy cows: a review. Livestock Production Science, 77(1):59-91
  • Maltz, E., N. Livshin, S. Devir, D. Rosenfeld. (2002). Using On-line Data in Management of Milking Frequency and Concentrates Supplementation in the AMS Herd. The First North American Conference on Robotic Milking, Toronto, Canada, March 20-22, 2002:III 33-44.
  • Davis, M.A., D.J. Reinemann, E, Maltz. (2002). The significance of teat morphology and physiology differences in milking research: new considerations offered by robot milking possibilities. The First North American Conference on Robotic Milking, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, March 20-22, 2002:IV 97-99.
  • Livshin, N., E. Maltz, A. Antler (2002). Adaptation of dairy cows to change in computer controlled concentrates feeding routine. Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences. 11:19-37.
  • Halachmi, I., Y. Edan, U. Moallem, E. Maltz (2004). Predicting feed intake of the individual dairy cow. J. of Dairy Sci. 87:2254-2267
  • Halachmi, I., E. Maltz, N. Livshin, A. Antler, D. Ben-Ghedalia, J. Miron (2004). Effects of replacing roughage by soy hulls on feeding behavior and milk production of dairy cows under hot weather conditions J. of Dairy Sci. 87: 2230-2238.
  • Miron, J., M. Nikbachat, A. Zenou, D. Ben-Ghedalia, R. Solomon, E. Shoshani, I. Halachmi, N. Livshin, A. Antler and E. Maltz (2004). Performance and feeding behavior of lactating cows upplemented via automatic feeders pellets containing soy hulls as barley replacement J. Dairy Sci. 87: 3808-3815.
  • Miron, J., E. Yosef, M. Nikbachat, A. Zenou, E. Maltz I. Halachmi, and D. Ben-Ghedalia (2004). Feeding behavior and performance of dairy cows fed pelleted non-roughage fiber by products. J. of Dairy Sci. 87:1372-1379
  • Miron, J., M. Nikbachat, A. Zenou, D. Ben-Ghedalia, R. Solomon, E. Shoshani, I. Halachmi, N. Livshin, A. Antler and E. Maltz (2004). Performance and feeding behavior of lactating cows supplemented via automatic feeders  pellets containing soy hulls as barley replacement. J. Dairy Sci. 87: 3808-3815.
  • Koeltz Scientific Books, Koenigstein, GermanyMaltz, E., N. Livshin, A. Antler, I Brukental, A. Arieli (2005). Precision protein and energy feeding of dairy cows during transition time. In: Precision Livestock Farming ’05. Ed. S. Cox. Wageningen Academic Publishers, pp. 219-226
  • Livshin, N., A. Antler, B. Zion, G. Stojanovski, G. Bunevski, and E. Maltz (2005). Lying behaviour of dairy cows under different housing systems and physiological conditions In: Precision Livestock Farming ’05. Ed. S. Cox. Proc. Wageningen Academic Publishers, pp. 305-311
  • Nitzan, R., I. Brukental, Z. Bar Shira, E. Maltz, I Halachmi (2006). Stochastic models for simulating parallel, rotary and side-opening milking parlors. J. Dairy Sci. 89:4462-4472
  • Maltz, E., (2006). Milk production in the Desert: Lactational strategies of medium size desert ruminants. In: Adaptation to Life in the Desert. The special physiology and history of the black Bedouin goat. By Shkolnik, Amiram and Itzhak Choshniak: Edited by Tamar Shkolnik.
  • Halachmi, I., E. Shoshani, R. Solomon, E. Maltz, J. Miron (2006). Feeding of primary cell-wall-rich ellets to lactating cows in automatic milking system. J. Dairy Sci. 89:3241-3249
  • Leitner, G., S. Jacoby, E. Maltz, N.Silanikove, (2007). Casein hydrolyzate intrammary treatment improves the comfort behavior of cows induced into dry-off. Livestock Science, 110:292-297.
  • Maltz, E., A. Antler (2007). A practical way to detect approaching calving of the dairy cow by a behaviour sensor. Proc. Precision livestock farming ’07, Edited by: S. Cox, Wageningen Academic Publishers, pp. 141-146
  • Halachmi, I., E. Shoshani, R. Solomon, E. Maltz, J. Miron (2008). Feeding soy hulls to high-yielding airy cows increased milk production, but not milking frequency in an automatic milking system (AMS). J. Dairy Sci. (accepted for publication)
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