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Hebrew journals

  • Dag, A., Ben-Gal, A., Zipori, I., Levy, G.J., Erel, R., Yermiyahu, U., Kerem, Z., Hanoch, E. (2014). Irrigation of olive trees for oil production with treated wastewater. “Alon Hanotea” 68: 30-33.
  • Levy, G.J., Fine, P., Goldstein, D., Azenkot, A., Zilberman, A., Chazan, A., and  Grinhot, Z. (2013). Long term irrigation with treated wastewater: a recipe for  sub-soil sodification? The Lachish vineyard as a test case. “Water Engineering” 86: 38-41.
  • Geler, A., Ishai, I., Levy, G.J. (2012). Replacing fresh water with marginal water in earth works and paving. “Water and Irrigation” 525: 30-34.
  • Levy, G.J. (2012). Effects of irrigation with treated wastewater on soil structure and its stability. “Water and Irrigation” 523: 24-30.
  • Borisover, M., Sas, A., Sabbach, I,. and Levy, G.J. (2009). Use of 3D florescence spectroscopy for the characterization of dissolved organic matter in treated wastewater of different purification levels.  Water and Irrigation” 506: 26-32
  • Levy, G.J., Bhardwaj, A.K., Mandal,  U.K., Bar-Tal, A., Gilboa, A., and Ben-HaGuy, N. (2007). Replacing saline-sodic irrigation water with treated wastewater: Effects on the structural stability of a soil from the Bet She’an Valley.  Water and Irrigation” 486: 14-19.
  • Fine, P., Rosenberg, R., Goldstein, D., and Levy, G.J. (2007). Reclamation of sodic soils with the aid of sewage sludge.“Gan Sade Vameshek” 3: 26-30.    
  •  Levy, G.J.,  Bhardwaj, A.K., Goldstein, D. and Azenkot, A. (2006). Effects of irrigation with treated waste water on the saturated hydraulic conductivity of undisturbed samples in a clay soil. “Water and Irrigation” 478: 28-35.

·     Levy, G.J. (2005). Irrigation with treated waste water and soil structural stability – summary of 10 years of research. “Engineering of water, fluids and irrigation” 35: 38-39.

  • Levy, G.J., Goldstein D., and Mamedov, A.I. (2004). Aggregate slaking in soils from Israel: A possible criteria for soil susceptibility to crusting, runoff production  and soil erosion.“Mayeem vehashkaya”  457: 28-34.
  •  Levy, G.J., Goldstein D., and Mamedov, A.I. (2004).   Aggregate slaking in soils from Israel: Effects of soil salinity  and sodicity. “Mayeem vehashkaya”  456: 22-34.
  • Hadas, A., Agassi, M., Zhevelev, H. Kautsky, L., Levy, G.J., Fizik, E. and Gotessman, M. (2004). Effects of mulching with composted municipal waste on the content of organic matter and available  nitrogen in soil. “Gan Sade Vameshek” 5: 5-8.
  • Levy, G.J., Mamedov, A.I., Goldstein, D., Rotem, E., Eisenkot, E. and Shani, U. (2004).  Effects of irrigation with effluents on structural stability of a clay soil. “Mayeem vehashkaya”  448; 6-11.
  • Agassi, M., Levy, G.J., Hadas, A., Benyamini, Y., Zhevelev, H., Fizik, E., Gotessman, M. and  Sasson, N. (2003). Effects of mulching with composted municipal waste on the efficiency of rain water use in agriculture and on hazards to the environment. (reviewed).“Gan Sade Vameshek”  9: 16-24.
  • Agassi, M., Benyamini, Y., Golshlager, N., Fizik, E., Hadas, Aviva, Levy, G.J., Zebleb Lena, Kitaeen,  S. and Erez, D. (1999). Arable lands as a potential dumping site for composted municipal waste. “ Gan Sade Vameshek”  42: 27-28. 
  • Levy, G.J., Feigenbaum, Sala, Sofer, M. and Leib, Lea. (1995). Low concentrations of Na and K ions in irrigation water and their combined effects on a number of  soil properties. (reviewed)."Hassadeh" 76(b); 76-80,90.
  • Levy, G.J., Feigenbaum, Sala and Shainberg, I. (1995). Partial replacement of Na ions with K ions in waste water used for irrigation: Effects on soil  properties. “Water and Irrigation” 344: 25-26.
  • Levy, G.J., Ben-Hur, M., Ben-Yaakov, P. and Stern, R. (1992). Combined effect of soil conditioner and reducing  irrigation depth on runoff, erosion and yield under irrigation with a lateral moving system. "Hassadeh" 72: 1284-1286 (with an English summary).
  • Globerzon, D., Cohen, Z., Feder, Z. and Levy, G.J. (1991). Improving emergence and development of shrunken corn seedlings (CV. 3376). "Hassadeh" 71: 1506-1510 (with an English summary).
  • Ben-Hur, M., Levy, G.J., Grava, A. and Ben-Yaakov, P. (1991). Irrigating with a moving sprinkler irrigation system on a Loess soil: Effect of runoff on water distribution and peanut yield. "Hassadeh" 71: 761-764.
  • Levy, G.J., Ben-Hur, M. and Agassi, M. (1990). Effect of soil conditioners on runoff, erosion and cotton yield in fields irrigated with a moving sprinkler irrigation system. "Hassadeh" 70: 961-965.


28/04/08 | Monday
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