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Herbaceous Perennials as a new product for the exp
The potential for production of bare-rooted perennials in Israel is based on the unique climatic conditions of Israel: high light intensity, warm winter temperatures and short photoperiod during winter. The Israeli production is characterized by several important advantages

Ornamental herbaceous perennials are utilized mainly for landscaping, private gardening and commercial production of potted plants. Advantages to bare-root propagation material: availability in a wide range of sizes and grades, production of a bigger plant in a shorter time, and light weight of bare-root plants. The root system can be inspected, and inferior roots can be removed.The potential for production of bare-rooted perennials in Israel is based on the unique climatic conditions of Israel: high light intensity, warm winter temperatures and short photoperiod during winter. The Israeli production is characterized by four most important advantages: ·   The original propagating units are disease-, virus- and pest free; ·   The short period of plant growth during the winter season allows for the production of vigorous and healthy plant material Herbaceous perennials
10/12/08 | Wednesday
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